About me, Cristina G.

My name is Cristina G.
G. comes from Gherghel, my parents' name.
I love my name, but it's too complicated to pronounce so I shortened it and followed it with a dot. Rigorously.
Maybe I should have researched on the internet to see if there are other people with this name, but I didn't.
Now I am one of many Cristina G.s.
But that's okay.
I've never thought I was the only Cristina G. in the entire universe. Or have I?
Never mind. In my next life, I know what to do.

I was born in a communist country in November of 1975.
My parents had 12 children together, they raised 11. Then we became 10. Then again, 9.
So now I have 6 sisters and 2 brothers.
2 of my brothers left this world way too early. May they find peace wherever they are.
One of them is for sure an angel as he was just a baby when he passed away.
The other one - Petru - Petrică as we used to call him, gave up life before the age of 30.
I miss him so, so, so much. I still can't believe he's gone. And it's been more than 11 years since then... Please say a prayer for him. He suffered immensely.

I left my country when I was 24. I went to Italy where I stayed 10 years. I wrote a memoir about this period: Ten Years in Italy, Three Weeks a Human 

In 2014, I moved to England where I am today and where the dream I never dared to dream came true. 

I love reading, writing, cooking and helping others. 

I am a blogger, a poet and a writer. 
I write on 23 blogs, in English, Romanian and Italian.
I've published... I can't remember how many books now. 25 (27 really). That's the number. I lost track.

Please do follow me if you like. I would very much appreciate your support. 

Here is the list of my books:

In English
Novels & Short and not-so-short funny & tragic stories
Biographies, Self-Help –True to Fact Stories – Inspirational and Motivational Books
If you read and liked one of my books, why don't you leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads
I really need your help. 

This is me, writing this book

In Romanian
These books were published on CreateSpace only in paperback version because Amazon doesn’t support books in my language. Yet.
  • ReÈ›etele Bunicii ÃŽnvățate de la Mama – Volumul I – Sărate 
  • ReÈ›etele Bunicii ÃŽnvățate de la Mama – Volumul II – Dulci
  • ReÈ›etele Bunicii ÃŽnvățate de la Mama – Volumul III – Prepară Porcul de Ignat 
  • ReÈ›etele Bunicii ÃŽnvățate de la Mama – Volumul IV
  • 41 de ReÈ›ete Dulci È™i Sărate de Sărbători 
  • 41 de ReÈ›ete Practice È™i Simple de BorÈ™uri 
  • 41 de ReÈ›ete Dulci È™i Sărate de Post 
  • 41 de ReÈ›ete Fără Gluten
  • 41 de ReÈ›ete de Chiftele, Omlete, È™i Aperitive Reci
  • 41 de ReÈ›ete de Clătite, Checuri, Prăjituri È™i Dulciuri Varie
  • 25 de ReÈ›ete Rapide din Cartofi – Bucate Vegane Fără Gluten pentru ÃŽncepători, StudenÈ›i È™i Persoane în Carieră
  • 25 de ReÈ›ete Originale din Orez – Bucate Fără Gluten Pentru ÃŽncepători
  • 25 de ReÈ›ete Super Rapide din Paste – Bucate Alese Pentru ÃŽncepători
  • Epoca de Aur – Amintiri din Copilăria Comunistă - Coming Soon
  • ReÈ›etele Naturale de FrumuseÈ›e È™i Sănătate - Coming Soon
  • ÃŽmi Curg Mucii Deci Exist
And here are my blogs:
  1. https://authorcristinag.blogspot.com
  2. https://booksbycristinag.blogspot.com
  3. https://authorsforlife.blogspot.com
  4. https://comfortfood4you.blogspot.com
  5. http://halfmyageplusseven.blogspot.com
  6. https://iliveisuffer.blogspot.com
  7. https://scrivoepubblico.blogspot.com
  8. https://scriitorcristinag.blogspot.com
  9. https://devorbacucristinag.blogspot.com
  10. https://amintiridincopilariacomunista.blogspot.com
  11. https://frumusetesisuflet.blogspot.com
  12. https://eumerit.blogspot.com
  13. https://retetedecristinag.blogspot.com
  14. https://bucatevegane.blogspot.com
  15. https://reteteindraznete.blogspot.com
  16. https://retetestravechi.blogspot.com
  17. https://aperitivesimple.blogspot.com
  18. https://retetetrupsisuflet.blogspot.com
  19. https://retetesub30deminute.blogspot.com
  20. https://ceresiveiprimi.blogspot.com
  21. https://cumsauitipecineva.blogspot.com
  22. https://imicurgmuciideciexist.blogspot.com
  23. https://povesteaisabellei.blogspot.com

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